We did all of the classics.
Clingwrap on the Toilet Seat,
Shaving Cream inbetween the sheets,
Freezing toothbrushes in blocks of ice.
you name it, we tried it.
One such legendary Grand Finale involved completely stripping a prankster's room of replaceable items and floating them down the hudson river on a raft.
That was the level of Epic Prank that I was looking for. A perfect opportunity arose when my sister went to Six Flags for a whole day. While she was gone, I disassembled her bed, moved it to the neighbor's house and then reassembled it.
My Sister didn't get home until 11:45 that night. Predictably, she quietly climbed up the steps in an attempt to not wake anyone up. 45 seconds later, she slammed my bedroom door open and yelled:
I ignored her and pretended to be asleep.
That worked for all of five seconds. I am, alas a terrible liar. I sat up in bed and started grinning: 

This incensed her. She flew into an incredible-psychotic-lack of sleep-sunburn induced rage.
My only response was a high pitched giggle, which didn't improve her mood at all.
She proceeded to call all of her friends and demand the whereabouts of her bed: at 12:45 in the morning.
Eventually, her incredible-psychotic-lack of sleep-sunburn induced rage burned out, and she gave up on the phone calls and slept on the couch.
The next morning, Mom asked my sister to take something over to the neighbor's house. She was invited in, and then stood stock still. Her bed was set up in the neighbor's living room, waiting for her.
I watched her move her bed back into our house, feeling like a criminal mastermind. That feeling lasted all of 12 hours, when my sister stole all of my underwear out of my dresser and froze it.
Sometimes ya just can't win.
I love you two...
I miss this...Can we have another one or have we exhausted our pranks?