Monday, November 8, 2010


I just noticed that I posted 8 posts in September and 8 posts in October. I intend to outdo myself and post 10 posts during the month of November!!

Let's take a look at the statistics!

November has 30 days in it. Today is the 8th of November, and I have finished 1 post.
I have 22 days to write 9 posts. That's an average of 1 post every 2.45 days.

This doesn't take into account Thanksgiving! 1 day of making food, 1 day of stuffing your face, and 1 day to recover/kill yourself more with obsessive Christmas shopping.

So really, I only have 19 days to write 9 posts. That's a new average of 1 post every 2.11 days, or 1 every 50.66 hours.

I think that sleeping in the month of November is important. If I don't sleep, the posts will probably end up being about exploding ferrets...

Averaging between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a night, gives between 152 and 114 hours of sleep in November. (Thanksgiving holiday not included in this calculation)

304 hours remain in November that I will be awake.
 Now, I obviously can't write a blog post while I'm at work.

I work an 8 hour shift every Monday, and there are 3 Mondays remaining. There go another 24 hours of my time.

(If you're getting confused with all of this superfluous mathematics, we now have 280 hours remaining in November).

9 more posts in 280 hours doesn't SOUND bad, right? That ends up being 1 post every 1.29 days!
Don't even get me started on the time that I will have to spend in class, doing homework, and driving everywhere.

On the other hand, if I just wrote 9 posts this month, I would have 1.5 days to write a single post....

 I'm thinking that I should have made this a 2 post article!

Update: By Popular demand: A picture. 


  1. I draw pictures during Statistics class. Your argument is void.

  2. I drew a picture too. Check it out ^^
