It was a dark and stormy thursday night...... and I went walking around my neighborhood. I looked down randomly and saw a penny laying on the side of the road.
We've all heard the saying: "Find a Penny, pick it up, All day long you'll have good luck."
I'm not one for superstitions, but I like finding money on the side of the road, so I picked it up. Did 24 hours of good luck follow?
I woke up at 7:54 the next morning: AKA the time that I usually depart for classes.
I rushed out the door.wet hair in a ponytail, having eaten no breakfast and having packed no food. I got to class on time, but wasn't fully awake for my physics quiz.
My fuzzy, food starved, sleep deprived brain interpreted vectors weirdly, to stay the least.
There was no way that my bad luck would end there. By the time that my physics class was over, I went to the cafeteria to find some form of sustenance. A sub sandwich was located and paid for. I had high hopes that I would finally be able to concentrate on what I was doing once the hungry feeling went away.
The Sandwich I was expecting |
Disgusting Cafeteria Sandwich. |
Again, no such luck. The Sandwich perhaps qualified as sustenance, but not as food. Delicious Scale Rating = 0.
To give you an idea of the Delicious Scale, Brussel Sprouts, Fish Eyes and Burnt Popcorn all managed to scrape a 5. Chocolate and Ice cream top out the scale at 100. That Sandwich: 0
With classes finally done that day, I was ready to go home, find real food and take a nap.
Traffic JAM.
My usual 20 minute commute took me 45 minutes that afternoon. Sitting in standstill traffic I remembered picking up that penny and the ill fortune it had brought me that day. It made me wonder what evil misfortunes it had bestowed upon it's previous owner that the owner was prompted to carelessly discard 1/100 of a dollar on the roadside.
I wondered about that for about 2 seconds before vowing to leave that penny out in the rain where it deserved.
The first thing I did after I got home was to dig that penny out of my pants pocket and throw it as far down the street as I could. I'm sure that it is lying in wait for it's next victim.
Do yourself a favor: If you see this penny, don't pick it up!!!