Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dual Identity

I was working Monday night at “That Place” that I work. Obviously, I still work there, and potentially could get fired for misrepresenting the company, so t shall be referred to most mysteriously as: “That Place”.

“That Place” is a resturant famous for it's sandwiches and chicken.. and redheads like me. 

Anyways, I was working my normal shift, and got assigned to clean the dining room.

All was well and fun until I saw someone from my other job.

 By “Other Job” I mean my part time- over the summer job of lifeguarding at a local pool. 

This one lady stuck out in my memory. She was one of those people that finds fault in everything, and once yelled at me for 5 minutes straight.

The last thing that I wanted was for her to notice me.

But I still had to do my job.

A perfectly insidious plan began to hatch itself inside my brain.

The Background: You must know that I am among those bestowed with two names. Unofficially, my name is Ivy Nova.... I've gone by Nova since I was 4 years old. The legal name of Ivy still must be on all of my paperwork.

My Paperwork at the pool had me listed as “Ivy”. “That Place”, was persuaded to have my name listed on my name tag as “Nova”.

The Plan: I become twins! If she recognized me, I decided that I would pretend not to know her. I decided to pretend that I had an identical twin named Ivy who worked at “That Pool”.

During the next few minutes of furiously scrubbing tables, sweeping and mopping floors, I rehearsed a whole act about how I'd never been to “That Pool” in my life, just in case she decided to start the 2010 Inquisition or something.

This woman ate her meal in silence, without recognizing me.

 I wished her a pleasant evening as she walked out the door and pondered for the rest of the night if this was what Spiderman felt like living two lives.  

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