Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Conspiracy Theory

Sometimes things conspire against you.
One day your life is fine, you're getting everything done in a timely manner then WHAM!
One thing goes wrong.

One itty-bitty, tiny thing. The toaster sets your toast on fire, or the shower feels like it's showering you with ice cubes instead of water.

Then your whole entire day proceeds to go horribly wrong.

The next thing you know someone says something completely trivial like: "What's up with your hair?" and you get upset.
The other person walks away confused, thinking that people shouldn't get emotional over things like toasters. 
You then feel bad inside for over-reacting. 

Now two things have gone wrong. You're annoyed that your toaster blew up, and that you can't communicate with normal human beings anymore. 

Your day just keeps getting better, until you feel like acting like your toaster and blowing up something too.
  (and apparently dying your hair blue). 

The moral of the story is: Don't let your toaster catch fire unless you really want to dye your hair blue. 

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