Tuesday, October 5, 2010

PVC: Please Visit Canada

Last Friday I was on an urgent quest to find 1/4 PVC pipe.

I knew that such an item existed. After all, I had found some on Google for 97 cents a foot. 
The thing was, the incredibly priced PVC was located in Canada. 

Yeah, WAY up there in the Canadian there seems to be a top secret stockpile of PVC. 

I am, however an impatient person.  I needed that PVC pipe now! 

I resolved to call all of the local plumbing supply stores to see if there was any in my city. 
I ended up having some very interesting phone conversations. 

ABC Plumbing Co. 

Me: " Hi, I was wondering if you carried any 1/4 inch Supply 40 PVC."
Receptionist: "Yes ma'am. I can check that for you. What is your company's name?" 
Me: "Uh.... I'm a student. I 'm just looking for about 3 ft of PVC"

At this point I just wanted to get off the phone.....

Receptionist: " Your college probably has an account that we can use for this transaction. The nearest supply is in Canada. I can have 1000 feet here for you next Wednesday." 
Me: "Uh.... Thank you for your time." 

XYZ City Plumbing. 
Me: "Hi... Do you have any 1/4 inch PVC Supply 40 in stock?"
Receptionist: "Say What?"
Me:" Do you have any 1/4 inch PVC in  your store?"
Receptionist: " I don't know why on earth we would have any. 1/4 inch PVC doesn't exist! They don't make PVC smaller than 3/4 inches! 

This probably wasn't the best time to mention that I was holding a piece of 1/2 inch PVC pipe. (That's smaller than 3/4 inch for our mathematically challenged readers). Unfortunately.... I did mention it. 

Receptionist: "You obnoxious kids! I am sick of your pranks, ya hear! I would KNOW if 1/4 inch PVC pipe existed. 

And then she hung up on me. People are weird. 


  1. you know...there are these big stores called "Home Depot" and "Lowes" that have whole aisles of this stuff and in two different varieties...

  2. hahaha....wow. that is all I can say. Gotta love common sense.
